We are the original NannyCam.com and our technicians are experts at turning almost any item into a nanny cam!
If you have an item that you would like us to turn into a custom nanny cam, then order this estimate as the first step in the process.
Ordering a custom nanny cam or getting an estimate is quick and easy, and in many cases we can provide an estimate the same day.
STEP 1: Use the options near the "Add To Cart" button then submit your
order to begin the process.
STEP 2: Our technicians will evaluate your "item" to confirm if it can be turned into a nanny cam and provide you with estimate(s) for what options are available.
STEP 3: After you approve the estimate our technicians will build, test, and ship your custom nanny cam!
By ordering any "custom" nanny cam estimate on this page you agree that the
amount collected will be applied towards the cost for our technicians to evaluate (1)
item of your choice, and to provide a total estimate to turn it into a
custom nanny
cam, or to determine that it is not possible. If you approve the estimate then this
collected amount
will be applied to the final total.
After evaluating the item, we will provide you with an estimate that include all available camera resolutions and other features that could work so that you will be able to choose from all available options.
Our technicians will also be available to help you choose the right hardware, and work with you to design the camera to meet the needs for your application.
For reference, the average total price of the parts and labor for one of our "custom" nanny cam models is $200, which includes your choice of our HDTV 1080p non-WiFi or WiFi high-resolution camera and recording hardware, and for the standard amount of labor time for our technicians to evaluate, design, and modify most items into a unique high-quality custom nanny cam.
Please keep in mind that some items are not good candidates for nanny cams for various reasons, and some are not possible to modify into nanny cams because they do not have room for the additional hardware. So before ordering this custom estimate we strongly recommend that you review the pre-made nanny cams that we offer and take notice the size and type of items that we currently use for our pre-made nanny cams. During this process you may even discover a pre-made nanny cam model that will work for your application.
* IMPORTANT: Please note the prices listed on this webpage are to receive an estimate only. Any amounts collected at time of purchase will be applied towards the final invoice. If our technicians determine that your desired item cannot be made into a nanny cam, then 100% of the amount collected may used as a store credit towards the purchase of any of our pre-made nanny cam models instead. Alternatively the order may be cancelled however up to $50.00 of the total collected amount will be non-refundable to compensate for our technician/evaluation/estimate time.